Our API allows you to retrieve informations from our website via GET request and supports the following query parameters:

Name Meaning Description
t (required) Query type. This parameter specify the type of the query, u is for profile informations, m is for messages informations.
q (required) Requested username. The t parameter supports two values:
  • u = username [returns basic profile informations containing the following]
    • id = returns the user Unique Id
    • username = returns the Username
    • first_name = returns the First Name
    • last_name = returns the Last Name
    • website = returns the website
    • country = returns the country
    • city = returns the city
    • address = returns the address
    • image = returns the profile avatar image
    • cover = returns the profile cover image
    • verified = returns whether user is verified or not [possible values: 0 (not verified); 1(verified);]
  • m = username [returns a list of latest 20 message from an user containing the following]
    • id = returns the Message Unique Id
    • by = returns the User Unique Id
    • message = returns the Message
    • type = returns the Message Type [possible values: map; game; video; food; visited; movie; music;
    • time = returns the date time when was published
    • likes = returns the number of likes

Examples of requests:

For profile information from an user:

For a list of latest 20 messages from an user:
An example of json decoding would be the following PHP code:

header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8;');
$file = file_get_contents("");